Wolseley City Hall and Opera House, photo by BriYYZ
SaskNewsNow.com reports that the Twilite Drive-In of Wolseley, Saskatchewan, may be designated as a Municipal Heritage Property by the regional municipality of Wolseley. (The story refers to Wolseley as an ‘RM’, as if I’d know what that meant without looking it up.)
“It’s an important part of our community,” said Rose Zimmer, administrator for the RM of Wolseley. “It’s an important part of our history.”
According to the article, the Twilite was the first drive-in in Saskatchewan when it opened 59 years ago, and it’s still being operated by the family of its original owners. The MHP designation could make the Twilite eligible for government grants, which would be used to upgrade the screen or the physical plant, but it won’t help with digital transition expenses. They still plan to hold fundraisers to buy a digital projector this spring.
To get an idea of how small and cute the Twilite is, check out this Google overhead view, then go see the file photo that accompanies the SaskNewsNow article. That is such a dear little drive-in, and I’d love to visit it some day.