Video: New Drive-In Sprouts In Buda TX

We’ve had too much bad news lately, so it’s great to be able to share something good: A new two-screen drive-in held its grand opening last Friday in Buda TX, and there’s a great video of the place from KXAN, Austin’s News Leader.

The screens at Doc’s Drive In Theatre are small, made of stacked shipping containers. Each parallel viewing field holds 43 cars. Owners Chris and Sarah Denny had founded the company last year and had previously planned to open in February. Now that it’s up and running, Chris told KXAN that he plans to offer an underground speakeasy bar between the screens and movie-themed tiny homes on the property to rent overnight for patrons who hit the speakeasy hard enough to avoid driving home.

That’s pretty much the whole happy story here. You should drop by the Doc’s web site, which shows that the Dennys have a great attitude about their new offering. “Doc’s Drive-In does so much more than just show your favorite films – it’s a family-friendly, classic drive-in theater experience that expands the boundaries of imagination.”

Lewisville TX’s Coyote: Closed For How Long?

Coyote Drive-In screen tower silhouetted at sunset

Photo from the Coyote Drive-In Facebook page

How can you tell when your phone stops ringing? It’s not when a ring ends; it’s when enough time passes that you know a new ring isn’t coming.

I say that as an excuse why last month’s closure of the Coyote Drive-In of Lewisville TX didn’t strike me as anything very unusual. Sure some drive-ins in Texas stay open later in the year, but an end-of-September announcement on its Facebook page that it was “closed for the season” didn’t raise an alarm with me even though the Coyote added “until further notice.”

Today I finally noticed a mention in the Denton Record-Chronicle that indirectly pointed back to an earlier R-C article about the possible end of the Coyote. That article quoted a statement from company officials saying, “The theater just simply wasn’t as busy as we had predicted. We are evaluating some strategic alternatives for the drive-in and the property.”

Although that sounds a lot like a permanent closure, I really wonder what might happen in the spring when blockbuster movies and warm weather return. This Coyote might never open again, but I’ll still wait awhile to hear whether that phone rings again.

The Story Behind A Drive-In Without A Name

If you ever find yourself cruising east along I-20 through the center of Eastland County, Texas, just outside the sleepy town of Olden, right around County Road 438 overpass, you will pass by what appears to be the skeletal remains of an old drive-in theatre, the name of which is unknown, even to people who have lived nearby their entire lives.

Drive-In screens, by their very nature, are built to tell stories. That is their purpose. When the sun goes down, the projection room lights up, beaming flickering images through the night air onto a larger-than-life outdoor screen. However, this particular drive-in screen along a quite stretch of Texas highway never got the chance to tell its stories, or make cherished family memories lasting a lifetime.

Hal Walker lived with his young family in the small town of Ranger, Texas, during the mid 1940s. He was an ordinary man with ordinary dreams, raising a young family in post-World War II America. Hal was president of the local First National Bank of Ranger, and was looking to invest in a business which was, at that time, a very exciting new form of movie entertainment. Hal began building what would have been the first drive-in movie theatre in rural Eastland County, Texas, along what was then known as Highway 80.

Sadly, even the best laid plans of well-intentioned people can be thwarted by the cruelties of fate. While his new drive-in was under construction, Hal’s daughter died tragically in a horse riding accident. There can be no greater pain in life than to lose a young child, and Hal’s grief must have been unimaginable. Work on the drive-in came to an abrupt halt, after Hal’s daughter was suddenly taken away from his world.

Hal and his wife were utterly grief-stricken and inconsolable. The nameless drive-in theatre along Interstate 20 would never be completed or opened. Hal’s heart just wasn’t in it any longer.

The remains of Hal’s unfinished drive-in screen still stand to this day, as a lonely reminder of what might have been, and dreams unfulfilled. Hal Walker would eventually bury the grief deep inside his soul, and move on to serve his community over multiple terms as mayor of Ranger, Texas. It may have been a different life than the one Hal had once envisioned, but fate has a strange way of changing the course of life when least expected, or desired.

There would eventually be several other drive-ins built in Eastland County, Texas, all of which have been closed now for decades. Olden had the Dixie Drive-In, the Joy Drive-In would bring great happiness to the people of Cisco, and the Ranger Drive-In would arise in the town of its namesake.

And yet, Hal Walker’s never-opened, nameless drive-in screen, a local landmark that had its dreams ended before they ever began, is forever linked to the untimely death of a promising young girl in a community which, perhaps unknowingly, still grieves for her more than 70 years later.

“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have—life itself.” ~ Walter Inglis Anderson

This guest post was written by Rick Cohen, owner of the Transit Drive-In in Lockport NY, and used by permission. Thanks!