Contact Information

Hello! You clicked through to this contact page, so you must be serious about it.

Remember that Carload has no relationship with any drive-in theater, except that we know some phone numbers, and they let us watch movies as long as we pay at the box office. So if you're asking about when your local drive-in will open in the spring, or you want to send a compliment about the lady who buttered your popcorn, you'll need to go back to that drive-in's web site and try to communicate there.

On the other hand, if you have a correction, or if you have news about a drive-in that isn't on the North American list, then please send an email to

Also, if you find something on Carload that needs fixing (unless it's that one mistake that I left there deliberately), then that's another great reason to send an email to

For more information about Carload's privacy policy, terms and conditions, and other such boring stuff, visit our About page.