The Saratoga Springs (NY) Saratogian reports that a man in Malta NY proposed to his girlfriend using the marquee of the Malta Drive-In. Isn’t that sweet?
Chris Caro and Brandy Courneya had been “inseparable” for about a year, and on the evening of Dec. 22, he concocted an excuse for them to drive by the drive-in, which is owned by his brothers. Brandy, a night-shift worker, was a little sleepy and didn’t recognize at first why Chris stopped. When he gestured to the sign, she saw the words, “Brandy I love you / Will you marry me”. She said yes, and the two plan to marry this fall.
Tom Caro, one of the drive-in owners, said the marquee was also used by friends 20 years ago to congratulate Tom on his marriage. For more great photos and more details on the story, go read the full article in the Saratogian.