WNDU, South Bend IN’s News Leader, ran a story Saturday about the Tri-Way Drive-In Theatre in Plymouth. When it switched to digital projectors in 2015, the cost was about $300,000 to cover its four screens. Some of that came from fundraisers, and now owner David Kinney has a bit over two years left to pay back the $150,000 the Tri-Way still owes.
A couple of weeks ago, the Tri-Way was one of a small group of drive-ins that publicly declined to show Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 because Disney wanted a higher percentage of the ticket price.
Anyway, the story just shows Kinney encouraging folks to visit and buy something from the concession stand to help support the Tri-Way. But we enjoy almost any excuse to include more drive-in video on Carload, so there it is. Enjoy!