Yaknow, it really disappointed me in 2017 when the healthy-looking Motor Vu Drive-In in Idaho Falls ID failed to answer the summer bell (the spring calendar?) in 2017, which I noted when I “visited” in in my Drive-In-A Day Odyssey that year. So I’m doubly happy to learn that it’s active again, including four benefit dates scheduled for 2022.
As reported by KPVI, Pocatello ID’s News Leader, the Ronald McDonald House of Charities of Idaho is promoting the series this year, with all of the gate proceeds going to the charity. Each of the Thursday night double features will start with a Jurassic Park movie, followed by another recent classic.
I’m always happy for any news that lets me flip the On switch in my drive-in database, although I’m embarassed that I didn’t notice it earlier. (Apparently this is its third season back, coinciding with our third year of Covid.) And as the Motor Vu’s marquee shows, it’s also open for regular movies on weekends. It’s one of the oldest drive-ins (1947) in the West, and it’s great to have it back.