Embarrassing! After I wrote about the efforts of Jeff and Jenny Karls in building a drive-in in Valley NE, northwest of Omaha, I completely missed the fact that the Quasar Drive-In opened in May 2021. And it took me almost as long to discover that they were featured in a documentary released this year, “Back to the Drive-In”. That movie is a sequel to the 2013 drive-in documentary, “Going Attractions”.
And I really love the Quasar’s old-school style. The Karls salvaged the screen and other equipment from the sad closing of the I-70 Drive-In in Kansas City MO. They spent most of 2020 building, I’m tempted to say, a “real” drive-in with concentric circles of ramps. It looks like the Quasar opened in May 2021, and every indication suggests that it’s doing fine. Just this past Sunday, it held a swap and shop event.
Anyway, that’s about all I’ve got for now. I’m really sorry that I didn’t notice the Quasar’s opening last year. I’ve added it to the Carload active drive-in list.