The First Museum of Carload comment spam

© DepositPhotos / Alexander Limbach

© DepositPhotos / Alexander Limbach

Sure, this is off topic, but did you know that some awful people try to add comments to blogs just so they’ll have more links to their stupid web sites? I’m talking sites that sell fake versions of Nike shoes, Oakley sunglasses, Celine luggage, and other stuff. The spammers include the URL of one of these sites in each comment, and figure that if enough respectable blogs carry enough of those links, then Google will list their site high on the results page when someone is desperate enough to search for fake Oakleys or whatever.

Since they’re being sprayed at blogs of every topic, these comments are written to be vaguely complimentary to any post; presumably some bloggers will be so touched by the happy thoughts that they’ll allow them to pass through. These comments also don’t make much sense. So without further ado, here are some curated selections of comment spam that Carload has accumulated this year, copied and pasted to look exactly as the spammers sent them.

If you considerI do not care to see this article, the next time I am followed about your article, I think I will never again careless. Do you trust yourself, you do not know your article can make people so crazy about.

Your article is here, the feeling of a mere individual can bring in more.Let these people from all over the world, even in the heart with blessedness. We are not desolateness.

(Then three days later, from a nearby IP address) Your article is here, the feeling of a mere individual can bring in more.Let these people from all over the world, even in the heart with blessedness. We are not solitary. (Solitary is a much better word that desolateness. Glad to see they’re working to improve.)

(Then a couple of days after that) Your article is here, the feeling of a mere individual can harvest more.Let these people from poles to polesthe world, even in the heart with happiness. We are not solitude. (Sorry, I think that second attempt was better.)

(Still later) Your article is here, the feeling of a mere individual can bring in more.Let these people from all over the world, even in the heart with eudaemonia. We are not odinochestvo. (I had to look up eudaemonia, and I can’t find odinochestvo. Is it a real word? What thesaurus are they using?)

This article made me feel shines. After reading this article, I inspired a lot. I will focus on your blog. I wish everyone like me herebring in happy, gains moved.

A work of a harvest,exactly because of your troublesome writing, we can feel so much weal, learn more our own understanding of their. The world could be so splendid.

This article made me bright up. After reading this article, I psychopedagogy a lot. I will focus on your blog. I wish everyone like me heregains happy, harvest moved.

I would like to understand when you write this article is what kind of mood, why would you write this article, also written so wally, is that I can learn. I think I could record something like you.

It can be used as a shopping bag which fold up to a small pouch you should definitely in use and then popped back into shape when you are ready to work with it. (Oh wait, that spam was just a description of the luggage they were selling.)

This article is really wonderful, a friend gave me a look. I set eyes on, I would like to express the feelings I looked. Others did not feel that I do not mind, at least now I deliver myself.

I’ve a local community venture as effectively as Bing has four several entries for it, all of which are likely to be improper. How do I create the proper itemizing and eliminate other people? Google does not present anywhere guidelines on the ideal wa… (Those ellipses were part of the spam, advertising Ray-Ban Wayfarers.)

Very cool! This is a 99W takes the fifth Honda projector –…, and I like 99W takes the fifth Honda projector –

I need to acquire around my own devotion to your goodness assisting people that absolutely need assistance with the bradenton area of curiosity. The genuine dedication to transferring the perfect solution is close to has been fantastic and possess regu…

We are hunting for various truly good online business blog sites to include on my best msn subscriber that can be valuable using in an continual grounds. Can you develop and even testimonials? I contain Seth Godin’s definitely. Kudos!. . It’ll additi…

And that concludes our first and hopefully only visit to the museum of Carload spam. If you want to see more, please leave a comment. If you want to see a lot more, leave a spam comment.

Happy Halloween! Here’s a virtual triple feature

A few months ago, I mentioned the Shocker Internet Drive In as the best virtual drive-in experience I’ve found. Since then, I’ve heard nothing about whoever lovingly stitched these 3+ hour videos together for our viewing pleasure. (If you know anything, please leave a comment.)

Anyway, it’s Halloween, so I thought I’d celebrate with Shocker episode #41, a 1940s Bela Lugosi triple feature. Check out Black Dragons, Voodoo Man, and Bowery at Midnight, plus a bumper crop of drive-in previews and intermission films. Enjoy!

Need a good site for a new drive-in?

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Every once in a while, someone asks me where they could build a new drive-in. In the olden days, the answer was pretty simple: On the highway out of town, just past the city limits. Now it’s more complicated. Here is my list of the factors when evaluating a new drive-in site:

  • Are there people around? Farmland in the middle of nowhere is cheap, but there probably aren’t enough customers willing to drive far enough to watch a movie, then drive all the way home.
  • Is civilization expanding in the site’s direction? If rings of suburbs are spreading thataway, then it might not be many years before the taxable land value will skyrocket, leaving the choice of extra overhead or selling out.
  • Are utilities available? The site needs to be close enough to water and electricity to hook up without too much extra expense.

Add these up, and you’ll see that the ideal site is close to a decent population center, but on a parcel that would be difficult to develop into anything else. I happen to have a pretty good example, 2175 River Road, Grand Junction CO. Take a look. It’s right next to major highways. It’s within the city limits. It’s bounded by the interstate highway and a wastewater treatment plant. (Hope the evening breezes are okay.) Grand Junction is large enough to support a minor-league baseball team, but its closest drive-in is 46 miles away in Delta.

Apparently, this plot is currently being used as storage by a company that sells trailers, mainly horse trailers. I have no idea who owns it, whether they’d be willing to sell or lease it, and even whether there are any utilities already serving that drive-in-shaped piece of land. But you’ve got to admit, it’s a fine example.

Now it’s your turn. You know your region better than I do. Look over a map and find something similar – a piece of land big enough for a drive-in, close enough for patrons and utilities, but homely enough for other builders to leave it alone. When you spot a good one, either start building or leave a comment here so we can all look it over. Maybe one of us can plant the seed that will sprout into a new drive-in theater.