Drive-in loudspeakers annoy neighbors

According to the Roanoke Times, the Starlite Drive-In of Christiansburg VA is running into problems with its neighbors. The problems started when it switched from in-car speakers and FM radios to a sound system at the concession stand.

By now, we know the problems with traditional drive-in movie audio. In-car speakers get snapped off when forgetful drivers leave. Radios can drain car batteries if the ignition key is set wrong. But with outdoor speakers, it’s hard to strike a balance that’s loud enough to hear but quiet enough to keep the neighbors happy.

It’s funny sometimes how technology can come full circle. When drive-ins first popped up in the 1930s, they used loudspeakers to play the sounds of each movie. Some used a single speaker; some scattered a few speakers on poles. There really weren’t any good alternatives until RCA invented individual car speakers, which weren’t deployed until after World War II. That technological advance was one of the sparks of the postwar drive-in theater boom.

Kerry Segrave wrote in his book Drive-In Theaters that loudspeakers were the greatest source of friction between early drive-ins and their neighbors. Several run-ins with the law are documented, including the 1935 arrest and conviction of a Los Angeles drive-in owner for violating a noise ordinance enacted with outdoor loudspeakers in mind.

The Times article didn’t mention whether Starlite owner Peggy Beasley and manager Brian Atkins were aware of that history, but they’re reliving part of it. Their neighbors complained, so Christiansburg Police Chief Mark Sisson dropped by to impose a volume level to line up with the town’s noise ordinance. That left the sound too low to hear some dialogue, Beasley said. “People who had been here couldn’t come back because they couldn’t hear the movie.” Business has been bad, so they’re asking the city to revisit the drive-in’s allowable volume.

No one asked me, but the obvious, tested solution is FM radio sound plus cheap rental radios. Till they figure that out, the Times has much, much more about the townspeople backing the Starlite and the neighbors who keep calling the police, so you should go read it!

Virginia’s Moonlite will be back in business

Moonlite Drive-In Theatre facade
photo by WCYB

Who would have thought that fall would be the season to announce so many drive-in theatre reopenings? The latest great news comes from Abington VA, where the Moonlite Drive-In Theatre is rapidly renovating towards a targeted reopening later this month.

The Bristol (VA) Herald Courier published a front-page story with the details. Kyle Blevins, a UPS driver from just across the border in Bristol TN, had watched movies at the Moonlite for more than 40 years before it closed three years ago for lack of a digital projector. Now Blevins has fulfilled his dream of owning a drive-in, sort of. The Herald Courier says he’s “co-owner” along with the previous owner.

The Moonlite opened in 1949 and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2007. Blevins said he hopes to show at least one movie by the end of October, with a formal re-opening in Spring 2017.

Blevins invited the community to spend Oct. 8 helping get the Moonlite ready, and he has a GoFundMe page set up for donations.

The crew from WCYB, Bristol’s news leader, also dropped by to talk about Moonlite memories with folks who had visited the drive-in during past decades. It’s an extensive story that I couldn’t embed here, so you really should go watch it!

Project Drive-In roundup

I’ll admit it. I’ve been so overwhelmed by the local media coverage of Honda’s Project Drive-In that it’s been hard to write. On one hand, I don’t especially want you to vote for some Florida drive-in over one on Ohio or vice versa. Heck, I’ve even noticed that Honda has added at least a couple drive-ins (such as the Apache) that weren’t there when voting started.

There are only so many ways I can spin the local news when it says that nearby drive-in X needs to convert to digital projection, and its best / only hope is if it is one of the Project Drive-In winners. So I’m just going to gather them all a bunch of them in this list. There are probably lots of interesting, fresh details here and there about each drive-in, but I’m going to let you discover them. If you find something sufficiently cool, post a comment about it, will you please?

Your candidates, alphabetized by state:

Whew! That’s 20 theaters so far. I’ll see how many more I can round up for our next installment.