Winter Strategies for Drive-In Theaters: Fundraiser Events

from the Calvert City Drive-In Facebook page

I’m always on the lookout for good ideas for drive-in owners, and this is one of them. The Calvert Drive In in Calvert City KY has found a way to help community groups and add a bit of profit during the slow weeknights of winter.

As reported last week by the Marshall County Tribune-Courier, Calvert owner Seth Manea was trying to find a way to support local groups looking for donations. He’s been keeping the Calvert open on weekends during the winter, but the weekdays were probably too slow to justify seven days a week.

Manea invited these groups to help choose a suitable movie (such as a baseball-related flick for the local baseball team), then commit to work the box office for what would have been a dark weeknight. The groups will prevail on their customers to visit the Calvert for a good time instead of buying chocolate bars or whatever else fundraisers are hawking these days.

“Manea said there have already been approximately 30 dates booked, and considers the availability sold out,” the Trib reported. He said he’ll pay the distributors for the movie, then provide a percentage of the gate profit to the fundraisers.

What a great no-lose proposition for any drive-in owner! No need to worry if next Wednesday’s weather will entice a large crowd to drive in to watch some classic film. Instead, bring on a local charitable partner to sell the tickets in advance, provide some volunteer labor, and leave the drive-in with more cash that it would have had by staying dark. And it doesn’t hurt that the process leaves the drive-in owner looking like a hero.

Carload is back for 2025

Master of Science diploma from the University of Colorado
How I spent my summers (and springs and autumns and winters) the past two years.

Hello again! How are you doing? I want to apologize for being gone so long here. The last two years, I’ve been spending most of my time working toward a master’s degree in data science. The virtual certificate arrived last week, and the paper diploma is supposed to show up in February.

After decades of working with computers using self-taught skills, I wanted to get some validation of what I can do. Data science sounded like the perfect field. It combines computer programming, which I used to do for a living; clear communication, which I also used to do for a living (and still trying to do here); and statistics. No problem, I thought. I can whip up an earned run average or a shooting percentage with the best of them.

They weren’t that kind of statistics.

What I had to learn involved stuff such as how to plot regression, how to compute confidence levels, and what the heck are random variables, which are neither random nor variables. Thank goodness for the Khan Academy, whose free online classes brought me up to a base level so I could start learning more. Long story short, the statistics component was the source of the missing 0.1 in my 3.9 grade point average.

During my longest semester break, I finished Drive-Ins of New Mexico. (Find out more including the free epub download here.) I chose that state because of all the helpful, friendly people I ran into while doing research there for Drive-Ins of Route 66. They were so friendly in Farmington that they repeatedly requested that I come give a talk there. That finally happened last August. I had a great time; my only disappointment was having to cut my visit short because of a change in one of my school assignments.

Anyway, that’s all behind me now. My goal is to get Carload back to regular updates. While I also research California drive-ins for a future book (got any photos for me?), I’ll be catching up on some of the general drive-in news that I missed. At least I’ve still got plenty to work with. Stick around, won’t you?

Narrow Gauge gets ready for 2024

Narrow Gauge Drive-In screen at twilight with sunset in the background
Photo from the Narrow Gauge Drive-In Facebook page

It’s Spring, time for some drive-in theater news. In Maine, the Narrow Gauge Drive-In was in the news for its preparations for another season. (Also, I’ve somehow overlooked the Narrow Gauge for years.)

According to a Breaking News Network story, the Narrow Gauge endured flooding last December that damaged its infrastructure. Owner John Moore said he plans to rebuild and reopen in April.

The Narrow Gauge looks like a typical pandemic-inspired drive-in, sitting behind the indoor Narrow Gauge Cinema and holding just 60 cars. However, it opened in July 2017, so I can’t use that as an excuse why I hadn’t noticed it. Moore has added a performance stage under the screen, and has held comedy and music concerts there.

In previous seasons, the Narrow Gauge has based its admission price on the Carload, including popcorn and sodas. I’m always happy to see that. They haven’t announced anything for this year. In any event, it’s great to add another drive-in to the Carload list.