The odd saga of the Peoria IL drive-in that was set up in the parking lot of an indoor movie theater has taken another positive turn. reports that the Peoria Zoning Commission has approved a permit to allow the drive-in to take up permanent residence there.
The commission suggested that the site improve its landscaping and upgrade the parking lot, which seems pretty obvious to me. I also dug up this story, from the August 16 edition of the Peoria JournalStar, which explains what they’ve got in mind. Landmark Theaters general manager Zach Washburn said, “We want people to come up early, pull out their lawn chairs, throw the frisbee, bring their kids out and introduce them to something that across the country for years now has been dying.” I like the idea, but make sure those lawn chairs don’t take up an extra parking space, okay?
And I also found the JS article about the Landmark Drive-In’s opening day, complete with a few photos and a map showing where it is. Enjoy!
This is pretty great information. There aren’t drive-in movie theaters around anymore. I can’t wait!