photo by Neon Michael
Carload.com, America’s finest drive-in news source, has started its own Flickr pool to collect great (and just okay) photos of drive-ins. To get things started, I’ve added a few pictures of my own, such as this shot of the old Valley Drive-In in Fort Morgan, Colorado.
If you’ve got some drive-in photos, please join the Carload group and share them with the rest of Carload’s readers. If we use your photo to illustrate a story, we’ll give you credit and link back to your photo’s Flickr page, as demonstrated by the caption under this Valley photo. You retain all your rights to your photos; you’d just be giving Carload permission to use them here.
Please consider adding your drive-in experience to our collective celebration of all the great fun of drive-ins by uploading to the Carload group today. And thanks for visiting Carload.com.