99W takes the fifth Honda projector

The 99W Drive-In (Newberg OR) is the fifth but not final winner of Honda’s Project Drive-In. As I predicted, Honda has reopened voting and will award four more digital projectors. According to the Project Drive-In site, voting will continue until Saturday, and the next four winners will be announced September 23.

Meanwhile, Portland’s news leader KATU picked up the 99W’s success story. It quoted co-owner Camille Francis’s reaction. “We are so happy,” she said. “We are putting it up on our marquee, people are cheering – it’s just really awesome.”

The 99W, which opened in 1953, is the only West Coast drive-in to win so far. “When the first winner was announced, they had 30,000 Facebook fans and we only have 7,000,” Francis said. “And we were watching every day and watching the winners. And we thought only East Coast drive-ins would win.”

There are a few nice photos and more details in the KATU story, so you really should go read it. And you can watch the pre-award video, embedded above, from KGW, Portland’s other news leader. And when you’re done with all that, go vote again. Let’s keep more drive-ins alive.