The Motor Vu, back when it was surrounded by farmland. Photo from the Motor Vu’s Facebook page
We have to take the bad with the good. Although it’s been great to hear about a few drive-ins opening or re-opening this fall, that’s because this is more typically drive-in closing season. Sad news this week comes from Dallas OR, where the Motor Vu‘s operators have let us know that this coming weekend will likely may be its last ever. (Or crowdfunding may save it. See below.)
A tip of the hat to the Salem Statesman Journal, which alerted me to this story. The S-J noted that the Motor Vu was voted seventh in this year’s USA Today’s Reader Choice poll for best US drive-in, and it included a color photo.
On the Motor Vu’s Facebook page, the operators begin by saying it’s “possible” this will be the drive-in’s final weekend. But the post continues by describing an earlier meeting with the landlord, and it notes the high value of the land. “We are pretty sure it’s our last year since they are building houses right up against the fence,” the post continues, “and this last house has no backyard whatsoever unless the fence comes down.” They promise to let us know one way or the other.
The Motor Vu has been in continuous operation since 1953. Modern drive-ins will continue to rise, but it’s so sad to lose these pieces of history. Here’s hoping that the Motor Vu can hang on.
Update: Crowdfunding may be in the Motor Vu’s future, according to an update on its Facebook page. “But first we have to meet with the landowner and our accountant (tax reasons) to ensure we do this the right way. I will post again as soon as I talk to them this next week.”