Project Drive-In roundup 3: Dark of the screen

I warned you that it might come to this. With less than a week left in Honda’s Project Drive-In voting period, I’ve found media reports about a few more of the candidates.

Here’s something confusing: Some of those media reports only partially duplicate other reports. That is, if a new story lists drive-ins A, B, and C, but a story from one of my first two round-ups already mentioned A and C, then I’ve added B as a new candidate in this third round-up. If you click through to the story, it’ll mention all three, but we know that B is the only one that’s new to this list. Okay?

With that in mind, let’s go through a few more:

And that should hold us on Project Drive-In news until they start talking about winners. Wouldn’t it be nice if Honda chose more than five?

Project Drive-In roundup 2, The Sequel

In my last post, I began the task of listing every local media report of every local drive-in that’s participating in Honda’s Project Drive-In. Foolishly, I thought that I might gather up all of them in one sitting. When I hit 20 theaters, each with a similar tale of tenuous finance and this lottery-ticket hope for survival, my eyes had glazed over, and I barely had the strength to finish off the post and click Publish.

Two days later, I’m ready again to see how many more drive-in reports I can list. Again, they’re alphabetized by state. And again, if you click through and find a particularly cool detail we should all know about, please leave a comment.

More of your candidates:

Whew again! That’s 20 more drive-ins with local coverage of their Project Drive-In eligibility. I don’t know whether there are 20 more that I haven’t mentioned, but if I spot enough new ones, there may be a third episode of this franchise.

This is probably the Keno’s final season

Keno Drive-InThis week, the Kenosha (WI) News did a magnificent job of reporting the status of the Keno Drive-In of Pleasant Prairie. According to the article, a Save the Keno page popped up on Facebook last week, drawing a lot of support. The city fathers in Pleasant Prairie say they don’t know of any specific plans to replace the Keno with a Walmart or anything else, but apparently there are a lot of rumors about it.

Mind you, it doesn’t look good. According to the article, “Jeff Rey, president of Cinema Management Corp., which has leased Keno for the past seven years, said he was told by the property owner last fall that this year would likely be the last for the drive-in.” Rey said he’s seen workers performing soil tests on the site. The landowner couldn’t be reached for comment.

Rey also said that he invested in digital projection equipment for another drive-in he owns, the Cascade in West Chicago IL, but he’s sticking with film for now at the Keno, where business is still good. “I think people are wanting to get out there because this might be their last chance,” he said. “Unless something unexpected happens, it looks like it will be the end.”